The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association
(Johono Kagaku to Gijutsu)
Vol. 53 (2003) , No.6
Special feature : The current state of documentation Introduction

Research in documentation : The state of the art
(Institute of Library and Information Science, University of Tsukuba (1-2, Kasuga, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-8550))

 Abstract : Research in documentation during past 10 years is reviewed and future directions of research are hinted from several viewpoints. First, the author analyzed the causes of the shift of focus in this area, that is, from documentation, through information to knowledge and concluded that the shift is due to the deluge of information that exceeded human capability to deal with, and the expectation for the rapid progress of information technology. Then, research topics in documentation are presented in detail. Finally, the author indicated some future directions of research, namely, the applications of theories developed in other fields, the integration of theories developed independently, challenges to unsolved problems, and the sophistication of current theories : for each, examples are given.

 Keywords : domumentation / information organization / knowledge oraganization / indexing / classification / subject analysis

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Some problems on UDC
(Library, Tokyo University of Science (1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601))

 Abstract : I think that modern library classification should aim to faceted classification. According to the faceted classification theory, its categories are thing―kind―material―property―process―operation―agent―space―time, and we call this order as standard citation order. UDC is incorporating this theory. Therefore, I expect the future in UDC.

 Keywords : UDC / Universal Decimal Classification / Faceted classification / Facet analysisControl / Risk Control / Team Building

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The Standardization for "Information and Documentation"
(School of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Letters, Aichi Shukutoku University (Katahira 9, Nagakute-Cho, Aichi-Gun, Aichi Prefecture, 480-1197))

 Abstract : The Scope of ISO/TC46 (International Organization for Standardization/Technical Committee 46) is standardization for "Information and Documentation" relating libraries, documentation and Information centers, indexing and abstracting services, archives, information science and publishing. Reorganized TC46 changes names of Sub Committees (SC). Analyzing activities of each SC, the meanings and scope of “Documentation" in standardization are reexamined.

 Keywords : Standardization / ISO/TC46 / International Standard / Documentation

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Documentation and information retrieval
Hisamichi YAMAZAKI
(Chuo University, Faculty of Literature (Socioinformatics) (742-1 Higashinakano, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0393))

 Abstract : The word, “information retrieval" is used in the three levels of context : 1) to retrieve documents including the same string of characters that the query has in it, 2) to retrieve documents including the same expression that the query has in it, 3) to retrieve documents including the same subject that the query has in it. Documentation requires the third level of information retrieval with indexing process done beforehand. Recent development of various full-text retrieval systems seems to lack proper attention to the interpretative step of indexing, which is essential to documentation.

 Keywords : information retrieval / documentation / indexing / interpretation / Boolean search / information storage / automated indexing

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Networked information resources and classification
(Tokyo University of Agriculture Library (1-1-1, Sakura-gaoka, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156-8502))

 Abstract : This paper deals with the problems of subject access to the networked information resources that have been sparked by the growth in usage of the Internet. Firstly, the author reviews features of search engines widely used now in the Internet and its limits are described. Secondary, it is suggested that the separate treatment depend on the quality of information resources and then the role of traditional library classifications and its practical application are presented. Finally, it is considered that library classification's problems to be solved for subject retrieving tool to networked information resources.

 Keywords : Networked Information Resources / Library Classification / Knowledge Organization / Subject Access / Subject Retrieval / Internet / Search Engine / Subject Gateway

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MODS : a new alternative for libraries and metadata
(Aichi Shukutoku University Library (9 Katahira, Nagakute, Nagakute-cho, Aichi-ken 480-1197))

 Abstract : The term “metadata", is still a new concept for an average library in Japan, despite the introduction of new Metadata Utility in October 2002, by the National Institute of Informatics. In an effort to forecast how we can best utilize what metadata can offer libraries, it is the author's belief that we must get back to basics and analyze what we have always called “the Objectives of the Catalog." Metadata Object Description Schema, MODS, developed by the Library of Congress does just that, she believes. This paper will attempt to introduce what MODS is, and why it was developed, based on a recent article written by one of the key members in its development, Rebecca Guenther of the LC's Network Development and MARC Standard Office. An old but yet, a very new idea behind MODS may prove to be a strong candiate, if not a way of thinking, for libraries and metadata.

 Keywords : MODS / Metadata Object Description Schema / Metadata / Library Catalogs

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