1999.7 Abstracts


Special feature :EU Information Programs. Information Policy of European Union

Katsuya HIROSE (Faculty of Law, Hosei University )
 Abstract : The development of EU's information related policy has been in three stages. Public-private partnership of research and development in advanced information technology originated in mid 1980s represents the first stage; information technology policy. Liberalization and regulatory reform in telecommunication sector in mid 1990s represent the second stage; information market policy. From late 1990s social and cultural aspects has come into focus and various policy measures are beginning to be organized as information society policy.
  Europe's way to the information society is distinctive in its focus on role of the public sector and social, societal and cultural dimension. There are a lot to learn for global information policy communities from EU's experiences of standardization and cooperation while maintaining its diversity.
 Keywords : information society / international cooperation / infrastructure / regulatory reform / liberalization / standardization / content / cultural heritage / industrial policy / entrepreneurial policy

Special feature :EU Information Programs. The European Institutions on the Web : Europe―reaching out to the world

Press and Information Service, Delegation of the European Commission in Japan
 Abstract : The European Commission's web site “Europe" was launched in 1995, which has now become the inter-institutional server of the European Union. It covers all subjects by the Treaties and aims to meet the information needs of the general public, government departments, journalists and other specialist groups. DG X and different working groups coordinate Europe site, but all of the 40 departments are responsible for maintaining its own pages and offer multilingual services. The Delegation of the EC in Japan has its web site, where many information services are presented in Japanese.
 Keywords :European Commission / European Union / web site / Europe / DG X / multilingual / information services

Special feature : EU Information Programs. The legal protection of a database not covered by copyright law within the European Union (EU)

Takashi NAGATSUKA (KMK Digitex Co.)
 Abstract : The rapid expansion of the Internet raised the awareness of the unauthorized extraction and/or re-utilization of the contents of a database as compilations of data. On the facts before it, the Feist decision in 1991 sounded the death knell for the sweat of the brow doctrine for protection of a database under U.S. copyright law galvanized concern regarding the adequacy of copyright protection for databases with the EU. The European Commission proposed as a directive on the legal protection of databases to the member states on 1996. The directive established a sui generis form of protection for the contents of databases as a supplement to copyright is required to be implemented by the member states by 1998. The sui generis right as a related right for factual compilations in addition to copyright protection of databases provides one of a model for Japan.
 Keywords : EU Database Directive / The Feist decision / The legal protection of databases / The protection of facts / the unauthorized extraction / copyright / a database not covered by copyright law / sui generis right

Special feature : EU Information Programs. Telematics for Libraries and the cooperations among libraries in EU

Ryuko HASUNUMA (Japanisches Kulturinstitut Ko¨ln)
Anija RADEGAST (European Association for Japanese Studies )

 Abstract :"Telematics for Libraries" means the programme for the cooperations among libraries in Europe, which was resolved by the European Commision in 1990. Since EC gave place to EU Commission, the programme was concreted further, whose projects count 114. Its objectives are to establish the information and communication network on a European level. The Conference of European National Librarians (CENL) and the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) participate in some projects of "Telematics for Libraries" cooperatively with various libraries in European countries.

 Keywords : EU / Telematics for Libraries / CDBIB / ELVIL / NEDLIB / Conference of European National Librarians (CENL) / European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA)

Special feature : EU Information Programs. European publishing industry in the age of EU

Kazuyoshi TAKEUCHI (Shodensha Publishing Co. Ltd.)
 Abstract : With the launch of the Euro, various changes have taken place in European publishing industry. The resale price maintenance system of publications is one of the hottest topics throughout Europe, but courses and degrees of transitions in each country are diverse. Cross-border M & A deals creating media conglomerates are another factor that caused drastic changes in publishing industry. Booksellers become even more competitive, and issues of intellectual property gain further seriousness. Current aspects and future prospects in European publishing industry are to be reviewed.
 Keywords : Euro / EU Committee / resale price maintenance system / media M&A / conglomerates / chain-booksellers / online bookshops / intellectual property
